where to find your overseas manufacturer
"Who is your manufacturer?" Is probably one the most asked questions all small business owners (SBO's) get. The general consensus among SBO's is that this question is a big no no. This is due to a possible increase of designs being stolen as well as over stressing the factories which leads to an increase in error throughout the production process. Many items such as enamel pins, acrylic charms and lanyards have to be manufactured overseas using factories located in China. There is alternative that is based in the Uk but their pricing may deter some. Out sourcing from China will require you to use Alibaba. Alibaba is essentially a phonebook for searching manus that can bring almost any idea to life. Many manus that claim to be working from the US are actually middle men that have direct contact with these factories in china. Naturally, when using a middle man you will be charged extra for using their service. The difficult truth is that in order to find your perfect manu it's going to require some research. Fortunately, many manus do offer samples and keep their reviews public that you can use to make your decision.
“images from <<Alibaba>>”